
Website update - V2

After several days of work, I've finally finished the second big update of my website! The French and English versions of my website are now completely updated and available online. I've completely rewritten and reorganized the home page; instead of a short general description without images, you'll now find a general presentation of my entire career. This was my old “About” section, which I've completely re worked . The “My Work” section now features 3 new maps . Made for Joseph Bohbot , they illustrated two of his articles on the geopolitics of gold in Kenya, published in the magazines L'Afrique Contemporaine and L'Espace Politique . You can find them here . 3 new sections have also been added: - Awards and publications - Works available in open source - Designs & Art s Awards and publications presents all published awards, publications, maps, dataviz and infographics. In addition to their title, the newspaper (or website) in which they

Launching my Blog !

After several days of reflection and construction, I'm pleased to announce the launch of my blog! I hesitated a lot before setting it up. Cartodataviz is starting to be well implemented online; adding a new format could be counter-productive. But I realized that  I'm still constrained by the various obligations of the social network, and I was missing a place where I could easily group and reference the main information I wanted to share, hence its opening. The various posts will be posted irregularly, depending on my availability, the subjects and my free time. Above all, I'll be posting news, updates on my site or projects, and so on. Posts will be published in English and French. Depending on the subject, a translation will be available directly in the body of the text. Otherwise, two different articles will be published in their respective languages. Feel free to follow it, or follow me on my social networks ! -------- Lancement de mon blog ! Après plusieurs